I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Ilsun (Art Director) and Terron J. (Contents Director) from Pixel Tribe, the talented team behind the upcoming Kakao Games title, *Goddess Order*. Many thanks to Ilsun and Terron for sharing their insights into the development of this pixel RPG!
Q&A With Pixel Tribe
Droid Gamers: What inspirations do you use when creating the pixel sprites for each character?

Ilsun from Pixel Tribe: "Hi everyone! I'm Ilsun, the Art Director at Pixel Tribe, responsible for Goddess Order's visuals. Goddess Order is a mobile action RPG, built by the same core team behind the critically acclaimed Crusaders Quest, known for its pixel art. It's a thrill to share our new game with you.
Goddess Order boasts high-quality pixel art, aiming for a console-level feel with a strong narrative focus. Each character and background is meticulously pixel-crafted.
Our character designs draw inspiration from countless games and stories we've experienced. Pixel art is about using tiny units to express form and movement; it's more about the nuanced influence of our collective experiences than specific references.
It's hard to pinpoint exact sources, but imagine a vast wellspring of inspiration. I constantly seek to replenish this well, drawing from everyday observations and experiences.
Our process also benefits greatly from team synergy. Initially, I worked solo, creating Lisbeth, Violet, and Jan. Fortunately, my colleagues loved these characters, and we collaboratively refined their details.
These discussions sparked creative energy, shaping Goddess Order's art style around them. As development progressed, I collaborated with writers and combat designers. These conversations were vital. The intricate design of Goddess Order characters is a direct result of this team effort.
For example, a writer might suggest, “What if we have a refined noblewoman who becomes a fierce dual-blade-wielding warrior in battle?” Then, someone sketches a concept, and we refine it together. It’s a fun and collaborative process."
Droid Gamers: How do you start the process of world-building when creating a fantasy RPG?
Terron J. of Pixel Tribe: "Hi, I'm Terron J., the Contents Director at Pixel Tribe working on Goddess Order. This question nicely follows the last. Everything in Goddess Order started with our pixel art characters.
Lisbeth, Violet, and Yan—these initial characters formed the foundation for the game's immersive gameplay. Our world-building began with them. We closely examined each character. While abstract, characters often arrive with inherent traits, roles, and purposes.
I focused on fleshing out these characters, listening to their stories and bringing them to life. Their vibrant personalities and compelling backstories unfolded—tales of growth, heroism, and saving their kingdom.
The game's emphasis on manual controls stems from the strength and vitality we felt while crafting the scenario. Writing felt less like work and more like a unique and enjoyable journey—a rare experience in early development."
Droid Gamers: What goes into designing certain combat styles and battle animations for a character?
Terron J. of Pixel Tribe: "Let's break down Goddess Order's combat system into three parts. Battles typically involve three characters taking turns, using link skills to create synergy. And it's all experienced through mobile gameplay.
Combat design and balance are crucial. We brainstorm and discuss extensively. First, we design unique roles for each character to strategically structure battle formations.
We consider whether a character will be a powerful attacker, a support character with healing skills, or a versatile character. Linked skills add another layer of strategic depth.
We constantly review whether characters fulfill their intended roles. If a character lacks a unique advantage or is cumbersome to control, we make adjustments for optimal combat dynamics."
Ilsun of Pixel Tribe: "Next, we enhance the art to visually represent these characteristics. This involves choosing weapons, appearances, and movements that emphasize the character's concept and personality.
Visual impact is key. While Goddess Order uses 2D pixel art, the characters move in a three-dimensional space. We consider 3D movement when creating the pixel art, which sets Goddess Order's pixel quality apart.
To aid in this process, we use various models (swords, spears, shields, guns). Sometimes, our developers even wield these weapons to study movements. This helps us create original and impactful combat designs for each character."
Terron J. of Pixel Tribe: "Finally, we prioritize technical optimization. Combat and animations must be enjoyable on mobile devices.

We carefully check specifications to ensure smooth gameplay even on lower-end devices, without compromising cutscene immersion. Since Goddess Order is meant to be actively played, not just watched, we avoid compromising the experience."
Droid Gamers: What’s coming up in the future of Goddess Order?
Ilsun of Pixel Tribe: "Goddess Order's pixel art and narrative evoke a classic JRPG feel. The story follows the Lisbeth Knights, called upon by a goddess to save the world.
The unique graphics and combat system enhance immersion. The knights' individual origin stories will help players understand the world. We hope you enjoy the tales of Princess Lisbeth and her knights in the Kingdom of Kaplan.
After the main story chapters, we plan to add activities like quests and treasure hunts. Both chapter and origin stories will receive continuous updates, and we’ll introduce challenging advanced content with refined controls. We look forward to your support and feedback after launch."