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印第安纳·琼斯(Indiana Jones)和大圈子供应拼图指南

作者 : Lucas 更新日期:Feb 01,2025

掌握了印第安纳·琼斯(Indiana Jones)和大圈子的坦白拼图之源!本指南提供了分步演练,以解锁梵蒂冈的秘密并解决巨人的奥秘。


在神圣的伤口难题之后,Indy使用他的卷轴找到了供认的喷泉。记住为冒险点拍摄所有线索! 退出安东尼奥的办公室(如《神圣伤口任务》中),使用您的地图,并找到通往喷泉的楼梯。

The entrance to the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


> 首先,从建筑区域附近的胸部取出喷泉钥匙。这解锁了储藏室。 用鞭子到达屋顶,然后旋转到喷泉的顶部。 您会发现两个龙雕像。 摆动到第二个雕像,抓住爪子,然后用杠杆将其旋转以面对对面的龙。 重复另一个雕像(将缺少其爪子)。


The fountain key needed to proceed in the Fountain of Confessions puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

The Dragon Statue that is a part of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


> 缺失的爪子在下面的脚手架上。与吉娜·伦巴第(Gina Lombardi)触发了过场动画。 过场动画后,取回爪子。


The missing Dragon Claw that is a part of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle



Inserting the Dragon Claw in the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Indy rotating the Dragon Statue in the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


> >使用鞭子拉出喷泉雕像,揭示了一个被三个雕像阻塞的门。 杠杆出现; Indy和Gina激活了它,揭示了第一个难题(洗礼场景)。 将铭文用于提示。将较大的男性雕像定位在水下,激活机制,并“施洗”较小的雕像。

Indiana Jones using his whip to reveal the next step in the Fountain of Confession puzzle in The Great Circle The blocked gate at the center of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Indy and Gina pulling the lever that is a part of the Fountain of Confession puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle One part of the Fountain of Confession puzzle solution in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle One part of the Fountain of Confession puzzle solution in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

第二个难题涉及移动石材层以引导天使穿过墙壁。使用手柄控制天使的运动。 将天使向右移动。

The solution for the second half of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


> 最后,将剩余的中央雕像通过门推。 这解锁了螺旋楼梯,导致了游戏的下一部分。

The final step of the Fountain of Confession puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle The completion screen of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle恭喜!您已经征服了认罪难题的喷泉! Indiana Jones和Great Circle

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