首頁 新聞 印第安納·瓊斯(Indiana Jones)和大圈子供應拚圖指南

印第安納·瓊斯(Indiana Jones)和大圈子供應拚圖指南

作者 : Lucas 更新日期:Feb 01,2025

掌握了印第安納·瓊斯(Indiana Jones)和大圈子的坦白拚圖之源!本指南提供了分步演練,以解鎖梵蒂岡的秘密並解決巨人的奧秘。


在神聖的傷口難題之後,Indy使用他的卷軸找到了供認的噴泉。記住為冒險點拍攝所有線索! 退出安東尼奧的辦公室(如《神聖傷口任務》中),使用您的地圖,並找到通往噴泉的樓梯。

The entrance to the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


> 首先,從建築區域附近的胸部取出噴泉鑰匙。這解鎖了儲藏室。 用鞭子到達屋頂,然後旋轉到噴泉的頂部。 您會發現兩個龍雕像。 擺動到第二個雕像,抓住爪子,然後用杠杆將其旋轉以麵對對麵的龍。 重複另一個雕像(將缺少其爪子)。


The fountain key needed to proceed in the Fountain of Confessions puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

The Dragon Statue that is a part of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


> 缺失的爪子在下麵的腳手架上。與吉娜·倫巴第(Gina Lombardi)觸發了過場動畫。 過場動畫後,取回爪子。


The missing Dragon Claw that is a part of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle



Inserting the Dragon Claw in the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Indy rotating the Dragon Statue in the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


> >使用鞭子拉出噴泉雕像,揭示了一個被三個雕像阻塞的門。 杠杆出現; Indy和Gina激活了它,揭示了第一個難題(洗禮場景)。 將銘文用於提示。將較大的男性雕像定位在水下,激活機製,並“施洗”較小的雕像。

Indiana Jones using his whip to reveal the next step in the Fountain of Confession puzzle in The Great Circle The blocked gate at the center of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Indy and Gina pulling the lever that is a part of the Fountain of Confession puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle One part of the Fountain of Confession puzzle solution in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle One part of the Fountain of Confession puzzle solution in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

第二個難題涉及移動石材層以引導天使穿過牆壁。使用手柄控製天使的運動。 將天使向右移動。

The solution for the second half of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


> 最後,將剩餘的中央雕像通過門推。 這解鎖了螺旋樓梯,導致了遊戲的下一部分。

The final step of the Fountain of Confession puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle The completion screen of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle恭喜!您已經征服了認罪難題的噴泉! Indiana Jones和Great Circle

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