What is a BUSSID Livery?
A BUSSID livery is a skin or design applied to vehicles in the Bus Simulator Indonesia game. Think of it as a virtual uniform for your in-game bus, often representing a real-world bus company. Here's what you need to know:
- Livery BUSSID can be changed by applying an image file through Garage > Use > Palette (Painting Logo).
- You can create your own livery designs using a template.
- To change a livery, you must first select the vehicle in the garage.
- Each vehicle type in BUSSID has a different livery template, so make sure you download a livery compatible with your bus type.
- Select high resolution when applying the livery for a clear result, or ensure you download an HD livery that is not blurry.
If you're comfortable editing images, you can create your own livery designs. However, you'll need a template: a .png file for editing on Android and a .psd file for editing on a computer using software like Photoshop.