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Village Excavator

Village Excavator


Experience the thrill of operating heavy machinery in "Virtual Village JCB Excavator Simulator"! This game immerses you in a virtual village construction project, challenging you to master various vehicles including excavators, dump trucks, tractors, cranes, bulldozers, and forklifts. Your role is to manage all aspects of construction, from excavation and material transport to cementing and stone crushing.

The game boasts realistic physics, requiring skillful manipulation of advanced controls for each vehicle. Practice is key to successfully navigating the challenges of operating these heavy machines. You'll be tasked with constructing houses and roads, showcasing your expertise in excavation and construction techniques.

This simulator goes beyond typical construction games. You'll also manage farming tasks, including harvesting and plowing, adding a unique layer of responsibility. The game features multiple heavy machines with advanced controls, offering varied gameplay and a realistic construction experience. Enjoy diverse camera angles and intuitive controls for a smooth and immersive experience.

Key Features:

  • Engaging gameplay with realistic physics and advanced controls.
  • A comprehensive construction experience, encompassing excavation, transport, and farming.
  • A wide range of heavy machinery to operate, each with unique controls.
  • Multiple camera angles for optimal viewing.
  • Intuitive controls for a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Version 3.1.16 Update (June 6, 2024):

This update includes optimized ads and bug fixes for improved performance and gameplay.

Village Excavator應用截圖第0張
Village Excavator應用截圖第1張
Village Excavator應用截圖第2張
Village Excavator應用截圖第3張
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