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Rome & Seljuk: Wars of Empires

Rome & Seljuk: Wars of Empires



          Rome & Seljuk: Wars of EmpiresDeploy and conquer. It is a real time strategy game.in 1040 a new power emerged in Central Asia and began to conquer today's Iran and Afghanistan. They were Seljuk Turks. Only after 8 years, they raided to Anatolia where Eastern Roman Empire had reigned. It was the beginning of the Turkish spread to west. And now you can play simulation of the wars between Roman empire and Seljuk Empire. You can play both side with their own stories. Each side has 26 different units to deploy on the battlefield. Each empire uses infantries, archers, spear-men cavalries and catapults. The game mission is very simple for you. Firstly eliminating the enemy units. Secondly destroying and conquering enemy castles, cities, canvas and barracks. You have gold to buy the warriors. You just select the unit to buy and if you have enough golds, simply tap on battlefield where you need to deploy the army. They will move to enemy army or cities in order to destroy and conquer. There are 75 missions and battles. So you will conquer all Anatolian cities and castles. You need to use your army and golds logically and deploy your units very cleverly and carefully in order to defeat Enemy armies, capture enemy lands. There are so many very good designed battlefield arenas and realistic wars. We hope you enjoy our middle age RTS strategy game game. It is totally for free. Download it now. Go to victory.Strategy game features:Mini map on the right bottom.Detailed battlefields, 10 different castles, bases, cities, towns and templessingle, 4, 8 and 16 mass deployment of unitsFor more questions please contact us via mail. Also you may visit our web page: www.ladikapps.com. Please rate our game and leave a comment.Regards,Ladik Apps & Games Team

                  What's New in the Latest Version 1.5
                  Last updated on Jul 31, 2024
                  Bug Fix
Rome & Seljuk: Wars of Empires應用截圖第0張
Rome & Seljuk: Wars of Empires應用截圖第1張
Rome & Seljuk: Wars of Empires應用截圖第2張
Rome & Seljuk: Wars of Empires應用截圖第3張
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