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Oil Tanker Truck Driving

Oil Tanker Truck Driving

Game Introduction

Experience the ultimate trucking challenge with Oil Tanker Truck Driving! This game throws you behind the wheel of massive tankers, navigating the diverse and demanding roads of India. Immerse yourself in stunning 3D graphics, providing a realistic driving simulation that will test your skills to the limit. Master speed and fuel management to successfully transport your precious diesel cargo, avoiding accidents along the way. For a heightened challenge, engage the manual gearshift for precise control. Download Oil Tanker Truck Driving onto your Android device and become a true diesel delivery expert.

Key features include:

  • Realistic 3D Driving: Experience the thrill of controlling a huge tanker with highly detailed graphics, bringing the driving experience to life.
  • Challenging Indian Routes: Navigate a complex network of roads connecting various Indian cities, demanding precision and expertise. Each journey presents unique obstacles.
  • Intuitive Steering Wheel Control: Easily maneuver your tanker with the on-screen steering wheel, enhancing the immersive gameplay.
  • Strategic Speed & Fuel Management: Maintain safe speeds while carefully monitoring your fuel level to avoid breakdowns. Resource management is key to success.
  • Optional Manual Gearshift: For seasoned drivers, a manual gearshift option provides a more demanding and rewarding experience.


Oil Tanker Truck Driving offers a compelling and realistic trucking simulation. The combination of detailed 3D visuals, intuitive controls, and strategic gameplay elements creates an engaging and authentic experience. Download now and prove your skills delivering diesel across India!

Oil Tanker Truck Driving應用截圖第0張
Oil Tanker Truck Driving應用截圖第1張
Oil Tanker Truck Driving應用截圖第2張
Oil Tanker Truck Driving應用截圖第3張
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