Defend your castle against would-be heroes
Live the life of villainy across the new roguelite mode
Decorate your very own evil lair
Grumpyface Studios has officially launched Castle Doombad: Free to Slay on iOS and Android, and as you can probably tell from the awesome title alone, it's all about defending your castle of baddies against pesky heroes threatening your version of peace. In an interesting twist, you take on the role of the big baddie this time around, because why can't would-be heroes just leave you alone with your nefarious villainy?
在末日城堡中,您需要扮演邪惡的艾維爾斯坦勳爵博士,設置陷阱,在 70 多個戰役階段中,您需要保護身著閃亮盔甲的騎士免遭入侵。解鎖超過 30 個陷阱,將它們釋放到不知情的英雄身上,然後升級你的裝備,確保它們永遠不會打擾你的惡人生活。
當然,每個壞人都需要一個邪惡的巢穴,你可以裝飾自己的巢穴拿出被稱為“戰利品”的炫酷化妝品——本質上是邪惡的文物和大量“放錯地方”的戰利品。如果您想稍微改變一下,可以使用 rougelite 模式“Dr.”。 《Lord Evilstein’s Roguevenge》將讓你作為終極犯罪主謀,在隨機生成的布局中擊退英雄。
同時,如果您熱衷於參與,請在 App Store 和 Google Play 上查看。它是免費遊戲,可進行應用內購買,續作正在開發中(恰當地命名為 Castle Doombad 2:Muahaha!)。
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