首頁 新聞 Announcing UniqKiller: Customizable Shooter Unveiled

Announcing UniqKiller: Customizable Shooter Unveiled

作者 : Liam 更新日期:Jan 22,2025

UniqKiller: A Customizable Top-Down Shooter Hitting Mobile and PC

Making waves at Gamescom Latam, UniqKiller, developed by Sao Paulo-based HypeJoe Games, is a top-down shooter aiming to stand out in a crowded market. Its sizeable yellow booth at the event attracted considerable attention, with demos consistently drawing players. The prevalence of HypeJoe tote bags further highlighted the game's popularity.

A Uniq using a flamethrower

HypeJoe's strategy hinges on extensive customization. In a world where players crave individuality, UniqKiller offers deep character (or "Uniq") creation, allowing players to craft unique appearances and combat styles. Customization options expand as you play, impacting both aesthetics and gameplay mechanics.

Beyond individual expression, UniqKiller features multiplayer action, including Clan Wars and special events, designed to foster a competitive yet fair environment. HypeJoe emphasizes fair matchmaking to ensure balanced gameplay regardless of skill level.

UniqKiller mobile gameplay

Currently slated for mobile and PC release, UniqKiller is scheduled for a closed beta in November 2024. Keep an eye on Pocket Gamer for release updates and an upcoming interview with HypeJoe Games for further insights into their ambitious project. Until then, check out some of the best mobile shooters available!

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