Twelve Sky 2: Mobile MMORPG Live Stream Announcement!
Join us LIVE on May 20th, 2020, at 7:00 AM GMT! Check our official Facebook page for the stream link:
Experience the epic Legend of Martial Arts in Twelve Sky 2! Dive into a world of endless war between three powerful factions. Choose your allegiance, forge alliances, and fight for dominance in this revamped mobile MMORPG.
Engage in thrilling faction wars: Upgrade your weapons and armor, master martial arts skills, and unleash havoc upon your enemies. The improved Yang Formation allows coordinated attacks for devastating faction-wide assaults.
Lead your faction to victory: Create your guild, assemble your army, and conquer in relentless guild wars and sieges. Build your guild's reputation and become a true hero in this brutal battle world.
Recommended System Requirements:
- CPU: 2.5 GHz Quad-core or higher
- Memory: 2GB or higher
- Galaxy S5 or higher
App Permissions:
This app requests access to your device's storage for game setup, cache storage, and customer support inquiries. You can manage these permissions in your device settings. See below for instructions on how to withdraw access authorization.
- Android 6.0 and above: Settings > Apps > Permissions > Permission list > Access or withdraw access.
- Android 6.0 and below: Upgrade your operating system to manage permissions or uninstall the app.
Note: The app may not provide specific agreement details, and access can be withdrawn as described above. Optional access authorization may not be available on Android versions below 6.0. We recommend upgrading to Android 6.0 or higher.