Mitt Fortum

Mitt Fortum

Application Description

In the Mitt Fortum app, you can effortlessly track your electricity usage, view your electricity agreement, and manage your invoices as a Fortum customer. But it doesn't end there - this app also empowers you to actively contribute to a greener future by embracing climate challenges. We'll regularly share climate challenges within the app to help us make a positive impact, such as eating more sustainably or cleaning up plastic in nature. By accepting these challenges, you not only earn hours that we deduct from your electricity bill, but you also contribute to a greener world. Plus, just by joining the program, you earn your first 24 hours deducted from your electricity bill. And that's not all - you can conveniently update your contact information, choose your preferred invoice delivery method, and effortlessly transfer your electricity agreement if you decide to move. To access the app, all you need is to be a Fortum customer and create an account using your mobile BankID. With Mitt Fortum, managing your electricity usage has never been easier or more rewarding!

Features of Mitt Fortum:

  • Overview of electricity usage, contract, and invoices: The app provides Fortum customers with a quick and convenient way to view their electricity usage, contract details, and invoices.
  • Climate challenges for reducing electricity bills: Users can participate in small climate challenges, such as consuming more green food or picking up plastic waste, to lower their electricity bills. Each challenge completed earns hours that are deducted from the bill.
  • Updating contact information and invoice preferences: Users can easily update their contact details and choose their preferred method and timing of receiving invoices.
  • Seamless relocation of electricity contract: If users are moving to a new residence, they can effortlessly transfer their electricity contract using the app.
  • Detailed consumption history: The app allows users to monitor their electricity consumption history on various time scales, including year, month, week, and day. Real-time usage data is available for customers with hourly metering.
  • Analysis of electricity usage: Users can answer household-related questions to receive an analysis of their electricity consumption and compare it with similar households. Long-term customers can also identify the appliances using the most electricity.


Mitt Fortum is a user-friendly app that provides Fortum customers with a comprehensive overview of their electricity usage, contract details, and invoices. By participating in climate challenges, users can decrease their electricity bills, making it an attractive option for those interested in sustainability and saving money. The app also offers features for updating contact information, managing invoices, monitoring consumption history, and analyzing electricity usage. With regular updates and an open feedback channel, Mitt Fortum ensures a continuously improving user experience. Click here to download the app and gain control over your electricity usage and bills today!

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