Stunning overhead kick goal!
Master the timing of your overhead kicks for success.
This app offers a new, free football (soccer) game experience.
Control the direction by dragging your finger.
Release to perfectly time your kick.
Stunning overhead kick goal!
Master the timing of your overhead kicks for success.
This app offers a new, free football (soccer) game experience.
Control the direction by dragging your finger.
Release to perfectly time your kick.
यह ऐप अच्छा है, लेकिन इसमें कुछ बग्स हैं। कभी-कभी यह क्रैश हो जाता है।
El juego es simple, pero entretenido por un rato. Le falta más variedad y dificultad.
Un jeu simple et amusant, mais qui manque de profondeur. Les contrôles sont faciles, mais le jeu devient vite répétitif.