World of Warcraft Classic's Season of Discovery concludes with its seventh and final phase, launching January 28th. This highly anticipated update introduces the Karazhan Crypts dungeon and the challenging Scourge Invasions event. Guilds can then tackle the legendary Naxxramas raid starting February 6th, featuring a new "Empower" difficulty mode for seasoned players.
Phase 7 arrives just two months after Phase 6, which saw players battling in Silithus and facing the Ahn'qiraj raids. The mysterious Shadowy Figure, glimpsed during Phase 6, remains an enigma, its potential reappearance in Phase 7 yet to be confirmed.
Upon server restart on January 28th, players can explore the Karazhan Crypts, a 5-player dungeon beneath the iconic Karazhan tower. Simultaneously, the Scourge Invasion unleashes undead hordes across Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, offering new quests at Light's Hope Chapel and allowing players to acquire Necrotic Runes for unique consumables.
Further enriching Phase 7, Rune Brokers in starting zones and capital cities will offer new runes. The Naxxramas raid, opening February 6th, mirrors the Ahn'qiraj raid by offering an "Empower" difficulty, adding extra layers of complexity. Conquering Naxxramas' four wings grants access to the Frostwyrm Lair and its final bosses, Sapphiron and Kel'thuzad.
While Season of Discovery ends, World of Warcraft Classic's future remains bright, with exciting plans for 2025 across all realms. The long-term vision for Seasonal realms is yet to be unveiled by Blizzard.