Arnold Rauers, the creator of titles like ENYO, Card Crawl Adventure, and Miracle Merchant, presents Guncho, a fresh take on turn-based puzzle combat. This Wild West-themed game shares similarities with ENYO but features a gunslinger protagonist facing off against bandits in a unique positional shooting mechanic.
Playing as Guncho
Guncho unfolds across a grid-based landscape, challenging players to strategically maneuver their gunslinger character, utilizing environmental elements like explosive barrels and cacti to gain an advantage. Randomly generated levels offer replayability, allowing for skill upgrades and preparation for challenging boss encounters. The game blends roguelike elements with strategic depth.
A glimpse into the gameplay can be found here:
Worth a Shot?
Guncho offers diverse boss battles and levels, ensuring a compact yet replayable experience. A competitive leaderboard adds an extra layer of engagement. Available for free on Android, players can unlock the full game via a $4.99 in-app purchase, though the free version offers substantial gameplay. Note that a demo achievement is no longer obtainable after the full game's release. If the gameplay appeals, check it out on the Google Play Store and stay updated via the official website. For more gaming news, read on! Cygames Announces Uma Musume Pretty Derby English Release.