Pulsmo, the creators of the popular Stray Cat Doors series, have released a new feline-themed game: Liquid Cat – Stray Cat Falling. This isn't another door-based adventure; instead, it's a charming, physics-based puzzle game featuring squishy, colorful cat blocks.
Gameplay in Liquid Cat – Stray Cat Falling
Forget navigating doors! This title offers a refreshing change of pace. Players tap, swipe, and drop colorful cat blocks to merge same-colored blocks into larger ones. With over 100 unique levels (plus bonus stages), players can enjoy a variety of gameplay styles, focusing on speed or high scores, and even compete globally on leaderboards.
Each cat block possesses unique properties. The soft, water-like blocks are ideal for filling gaps, while the firmer green blocks are perfect for wedging into tight spaces. A helpful white cat block is available to assist in challenging situations.
[YouTube Video Embed: https://www.youtube.com/embed/CFXG2bRnMNk?feature=oembed]
Should You Give It a Try?
Blending elements of Suika and match-3 puzzles, Liquid Cat – Stray Cat Falling is undeniably cute, with its adorable, amorphous cats defying gravity. The innovative concept alone is enough to pique interest. Available for free on the Google Play Store (currently in Japan and the US), this game offers a unique and enjoyable puzzle experience. Check it out! Also, be sure to read our other news story on Marvel Contest of Champions.