Embark on a thrilling text-based space adventure! Space Station Adventure: No Response From Mars, from Morrigan Games, launches January 2nd, coinciding with Science Fiction Day and Isaac Asimov's birthday – a fitting tribute to this AI-centric narrative.
Step into the role of an AI supporting a human technician on a Mars mission. The catch? Your human counterpart is woefully unprepared. It's up to you to ensure mission success and avert disaster.
Your decisions shape the unfolding narrative, leading to multiple endings and a non-linear storyline. Expect point-and-click-style mini-games and over 100,000 words of compelling plot.
Thirty-six achievements await completionists, along with seven distinct endings. Experience the space opera from a unique, non-human perspective. Will your choices ensure your survival amidst the interstellar unknown?
Looking for similar mobile adventures? Check out our list of the best narrative adventures!
For now, experience Space Station Adventure: No Response From Mars on Steam. Join the community on Facebook or visit the official website for updates.