Become the humble servant of Mister Antonio, a demanding feline overlord in this quirky puzzle game from Bart Bonte! This latest release from the creator of Purple, Pink, Blue, Red, and Boo! presents a unique challenge: fulfilling the capricious wishes of a regal cat.
Mister Antonio's desires revolve around colored balls, leading you (a strangely rectangular human-robot) on a series of increasingly intricate fetch quests. The gameplay, reminiscent of Boo!, involves navigating a series of round worlds, sometimes requiring you to cross bridges to other dimensions, all while ensuring the balls are delivered in the precise order commanded by your furry master. Obstacles like pine trees add to the challenge, demanding strategic route planning for successful completion. One mistake, and you might find yourself locked out!
The game is free, boasts multiple levels of increasing complexity, and offers hours of fun for those willing to cater to a demanding, yet charming, feline companion.
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