Due to unexpected high demand and subsequent stock shortages, Nintendo has postponed the general retail release of the Alarmo alarm clock in Japan. Initially slated for a February 2025 launch, the release has been indefinitely delayed. This announcement, made via the official Nintendo Japan website, cites current production and inventory challenges as the reason for the postponement.
The impact on international sales remains unclear; a global launch is still planned for March 2025. However, to address the immediate shortage in Japan, Nintendo is implementing a pre-order system exclusively for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers in Japan. This pre-order period is scheduled to begin in mid-December, with shipments commencing in early February 2025. Specific pre-order dates will be announced shortly.
The Alarmo, a gaming-themed alarm clock featuring iconic melodies from various Nintendo franchises (Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Pikmin, Splatoon, RingFit Adventure, and more), launched globally in October 2024. Its immediate popularity overwhelmed Nintendo, leading to a temporary halt on online orders and a lottery system for remaining stock. Both online and physical stock quickly sold out in Japan and even at the New York Nintendo store.
Further updates regarding pre-orders and the rescheduled general release date will be shared as they become available.