NetEase's post-apocalyptic survival game, Once Human, launched on PC with a peak concurrent player count of 230,000 on Steam, achieving seventh place in top sellers and fifth in most-played games. While initially promising, this impressive initial surge may mask a potential player decline. The game's Steam wishlist count initially exceeded 300,000, suggesting a possible discrepancy between initial anticipation and sustained player engagement.
The developers have announced upcoming updates including a PvP mode pitting the Mayflies and Rosetta factions against each other, and a new PvE area in a northern mountain region with fresh challenges. Set in a world ravaged by a cataclysmic event, Once Human is a highly anticipated title from NetEase.
Despite the PC success, the mobile release, originally scheduled for September, has been delayed. This delay, coupled with the potential player drop-off, could indicate a strategic shift for NetEase, a company known primarily for its mobile game development. While the game boasts impressive graphics and gameplay, a rapid transition to a primarily PC audience might prove challenging.
The 230,000 peak player count represents a high-water mark; the average player base may be considerably lower. This early decline, despite the game's initial success, warrants attention. NetEase's ambition to expand its reach into the PC market is evident, but the transition may require more time and adjustment than initially anticipated.
The mobile release of Once Human remains highly anticipated, although the date remains uncertain. In the meantime, explore our curated list of the best and most anticipated mobile games of 2024 for alternative gaming options.