アプリ おしゃれな生活 Zul+ Licenciamento e Pedágio
Zul+ Licenciamento e Pedágio

Zul+ Licenciamento e Pedágio

Application Description

Zul+ is the ultimate app for drivers in São Paulo and 21 other cities. This all-in-one platform simplifies vehicle management, offering a range of convenient services. Key features include effortless parking location and payment (including monthly options and toll tags), streamlined license renewal with installment payment options, and easy IPVA (Vehicle Property Tax) payment via various methods like boleto, Pix, and credit card installments. Furthermore, Zul+ allows for convenient traffic fine consultation and payment, utilizing the vehicle's Renavam for secure processing. Drivers can also access their vehicle's market value using the FIPE table, facilitating buying and selling decisions. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, Zul+ revolutionizes how drivers interact with their vehicles. Download Zul+ today and experience a seamless, integrated approach to car management.

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Zul+ Licenciamento e Pedágio スクリーンショット 3
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