ゲーム アーケード Tank Survivor 3D
Tank Survivor 3D

Tank Survivor 3D

  • カテゴリー : アーケード
  • サイズ : 299.6 MB
  • バージョン : 0.1.142

Experience the thrill of Tank Survivor 3D: a roguelike tank combat game where upgrades, strategic battles, and survival against relentless swarms are key! Command your tank and save the galaxy from the bio-mechanical Arachnid Hive, a relentless force consuming planets.

Image:  Gameplay Screenshot

The Alliance of Interstellar Species (A.I.S.), a peacekeeping coalition, faces its greatest threat. The Arachnid Hive, a swarm of evolving bio-mechanical insects, is spreading chaos. Your mission: stop them.

Explore diverse and challenging worlds:

  • Red Planet: Navigate lava flows and evade ambushes from Arachnid scorpions like the Red Sting.
  • Ice Planet: Brave freezing storms and the deadly spikes of bosses such as Ice Jaw.
  • Crystal Planet: Marvel at the crystalline landscapes while battling foes like the Crystal Tarantula.

Customize and upgrade your tank to survive:

Choose from a vast arsenal of weapons, each with unique effects:

  • Flamethrowers: Incinerate enemies with persistent fire damage.
  • Wave Guns: Slow and damage enemies with radiation waves.
  • Rocket Launchers: Unleash explosive power over a wide area.

Upgrade your tank in real-time during battles using resources collected from fallen enemies. Boost firepower, speed, and armor to counter the ever-evolving Arachnid swarms. Unlock perks for enhanced damage, critical hit chances, and reduced cooldowns. Experiment with weapon and upgrade combinations to find your optimal strategy.

Confront relentless Arachnid swarms:

The Arachnids are a formidable foe. They adapt and evolve, introducing new enemy types and mechanics with each stage. Prepare for:

  • Wave Spawns: Survive increasingly challenging waves of enemies.
  • Boss Battles: Face epic bosses like the Desert Colossus or Flower Colossus, each with unique attacks and weaknesses.

Tank Survivor 3D offers intense action with intuitive mobile controls. Master split-second reflexes, strategic decision-making, and precise aiming to succeed. Collect resources and level up to unlock new abilities and perks.

Gameplay Highlights:

  1. Assemble Your Arsenal: Choose from a wide array of weapons with unique mechanics.
  2. Adapt to the Challenge: Each planet presents new enemies and environmental hazards.
  3. Dominate Boss Battles: Test your skills against colossal bosses with devastating attacks.
  4. Evolve Your Tank: Enhance your tank's performance with resources earned in battle.

Will you answer the call and save the galaxy?

(Note: Replace https://images.lgjyh.complaceholder_image_url_1 with the actual image URL. I cannot display images directly.)

Tank Survivor 3D スクリーンショット 0
Tank Survivor 3D スクリーンショット 1
Tank Survivor 3D スクリーンショット 2
Tank Survivor 3D スクリーンショット 3
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