ゲーム アクション Rope Mummy Crime Simulator
Rope Mummy Crime Simulator

Rope Mummy Crime Simulator


Experience a sprawling open-world game featuring a vibrant city environment, thrilling challenges like mummy holes and hurricanes, and intense gangster warfare! This third-person (and FPS) city simulator lets you drive a variety of vehicles – cars, motorbikes, trains, even airplanes!

Engage in epic battles against notorious mafia gangs from across the globe: America, Russia, China, Mexico, Japan, and more. Unleash new abilities to conquer the city's underworld. Explore a fully realized open-world environment. Drive stolen supercars, engage in intense gunfights, and much more in this free open-world adventure!

Purchase upgrades and equipment in the in-game shop to aid you in completing missions and liberating the city from the clutches of the mafia. Many missions take place on city streets, while others unfold in unique locations like Chinatown and other gang territories. You play as a fearsome mummy, and the entire city trembles before you. The city's style blends elements of Miami and Las Vegas, but it's actually set in New York. Rise to become the ultimate crime lord!

Prepare for thrilling gameplay in the heart of Vegas’ criminal hotspots. Steal cars, evade police, race through the streets, and eliminate rival gangs. Do you have what it takes to reach the pinnacle of the criminal underworld? Are you ready for an epic crime adventure? Rob, kill, shoot, and fight your way to the top! Test drive a range of supercars and bikes, perform BMX stunts, or even commandeer an F-90 tank or a devastating battle helicopter.

What's New in Version 1.1.5 (Updated Dec 15, 2024):

Minor bug fixes and improvements. Update to the latest version for the best experience!

Rope Mummy Crime Simulator スクリーンショット 0
Rope Mummy Crime Simulator スクリーンショット 1
Rope Mummy Crime Simulator スクリーンショット 2
Rope Mummy Crime Simulator スクリーンショット 3
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