家 ニュヌス Infinity Nikki: Explore Endless Rails with the🚂 Choo Choo Train

Infinity Nikki: Explore Endless Rails with the🚂 Choo Choo Train

著者 : Sadie アップデヌトJan 23,2025

Infinity Nikki: Explore Endless Rails with the🚂 Choo Choo Train

This guide explains how to ride the Choo-Choo Train in Infinity Nikki. This task is part of a Daily Wish and requires completing the "Ghost Train" main quest in Chapter 5.

Repairing the Choo-Choo Train:

First, finish the "Ghost Train" main quest. Then, locate Blooming Flora, an NPC west of the Choo-Choo Station Old Platform Warp Spire in the Abandoned District (see maps below - Note: Maps not included in this output as they were not provided in the original text). Speaking to her starts the "Home on the Rails" world quest. Completing this quest repairs the train.

Riding the Choo-Choo Train:

Once repaired, follow these steps:

  1. Return to the platform near the Choo-Choo Station Old Platform Warp Spire.
  2. If the train is present, enter the passenger car.
  3. If the train isn't there, exit and restart the game, then check again. Repeat this until the train appears.

The Choo-Choo Train has multiple stops in the Abandoned District; this method works for any of them. The station near the Warp Spire is the most convenient, as it's visited during "Home on the Rails."

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