ゲーム パズル Mixed Tiles Master Puzzle
Mixed Tiles Master Puzzle

Mixed Tiles Master Puzzle

  • カテゴリー : パズル
  • サイズ : 6.30M
  • 開発者 : Kakadoo
  • バージョン : 3.8

Dive into Mixed Tiles Master Puzzle: A captivating tile puzzle game designed to challenge your mind and logic! Your mission: connect semicircular mosaic tiles to form complete, single-colored circles. Swap, rotate, and flip tiles to conquer each unique puzzle. With over 100 levels, this game offers endless hours of brain-bending fun. Become the ultimate tile master!

Key Features:

  • Innovative Tile Puzzle Gameplay: Mixed Tiles Master Puzzle provides a fresh, brain-teasing experience unlike any other tile puzzle.
  • Multiple Solutions: Many puzzles offer more than one solution, encouraging creative problem-solving.
  • Highly Addictive: 100 challenging levels will keep you hooked for hours.

Tips for Success:

  • Strategic Hint Usage: Use hints wisely to overcome particularly tricky puzzles.
  • Experiment with Tiles: Don't hesitate to experiment with tile swapping and rotation to find the optimal solution.
  • Plan Your Moves: Think ahead and plan your moves carefully for efficient puzzle-solving.

In Conclusion:

Mixed Tiles Master Puzzle is a must-have for puzzle lovers seeking a stimulating and unique challenge. The innovative gameplay, multiple solutions, and addictive nature guarantee hours of enjoyable brain-teasing fun. Download now and prove your puzzle-solving prowess!

Mixed Tiles Master Puzzle スクリーンショット 0
Mixed Tiles Master Puzzle スクリーンショット 1
Mixed Tiles Master Puzzle スクリーンショット 2
Mixed Tiles Master Puzzle スクリーンショット 3
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