アプリ 財務 Industriens Pension
Industriens Pension

Industriens Pension

Application Description

Introducing the Industriens Pension app, your go-to tool for a quick overview of your pension plan. With this app, you can easily track your savings, check your returns, view your contributions, and estimate your future pension payout. Additionally, you can access information about your insurance coverage, receive important updates from Industriens Pension, and even see how your pension plan contributes to the green transition. Installing the app is simple with your NemID, and once set up, you can log in with just a fingerprint or a 4-digit code. For any questions, feel free to reach out to Industriens Pension at 70 33 70 70. Download now and take control of your pension!

Features of the App:

  • Overview of your pension: The app provides a quick and easy way to see how much you have saved up in your pension fund. This feature allows you to stay updated on your financial future.
  • Investment returns: With this app, you can easily track the returns on your investments. It provides a clear picture of how your money is growing over time.
  • Contribution details: You can view the amount that has been contributed to your pension fund. This feature helps you understand how much you and your employer have been saving towards your retirement.
  • Projected pension payout: The app calculates and displays an estimate of how much you can expect to receive as a pension payout. This information gives you a sense of your future financial security.
  • Insurance coverage: It allows you to view the insurance policies you have with Industriens Pension. This feature ensures that you have a comprehensive understanding of your coverage.
  • Green impact: The app shows how your pension fund contributes to the green transition. This feature highlights the positive impact your investments have on the environment.


Industriens Pension App is a user-friendly and convenient tool for managing your pension. With its intuitive interface, you can easily access important information about your savings, returns, contributions, projected payout, insurance coverage, and green impact. The app provides a comprehensive overview of your pension, empowering you to make informed decisions about your financial future. Download the app now to take control of your retirement planning.

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