


Unleash your inner barbarian! Join millions of players worldwide in BarbarQ, a thrilling casual multiplayer battle arena (and battle royale!) game. Chop, dodge, and survive to become the ultimate warrior!

BarbarQ blends the best of MOBAs and IO games in a pixel art retro style. It's addictive, innovative, and easy to pick up. Level up to gain permanent skills (up to 5), but remember: teamwork, item usage, and dodging are key to victory! Consume mushrooms to gain experience, grow stronger, and unlock new abilities. Collect items like bombs, honey, and meat to gain an edge.

Each match resets your level and items, but you earn gold to upgrade skills and acquire combat-boosting pets. Enjoy diverse game modes: real-time 3v3v3 and 2v2v2 team battles, Idle mode, Pet Adventure, and various solo options.

The Latest Update: BBQ Studio – Unleash Your Inner Game Designer!

BBQ Studio is a powerful, built-in map editor requiring no coding skills. Design and customize maps, even tweaking game modes – the possibilities are endless! Share your creations with friends and become a game designer yourself!

Game Features:

  • Pixel art retro style
  • Exciting Battle Royale mode
  • Create custom maps with BBQ Studio
  • Real-time 3v3v3 and 2v2v2 team fights
  • Pet adventure and growth system
  • Global matchmaking and world rankings
  • Casual MOBA gameplay with IO elements
  • New player-friendly controls
  • Continuous content updates

BarbarQ is more than a game; it's a global community where players connect, share their passion, and forge new friendships.


What's New in Version 1.0.1602 (Last updated Dec 15, 2020)

Minor bug fixes and improvements. Update now for the best experience!

BarbarQ スクリーンショット 0
BarbarQ スクリーンショット 1
BarbarQ スクリーンショット 2
BarbarQ スクリーンショット 3
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