বাড়ি খবর Clockmaker makes major donation and launches holiday event in support of Make-A-Wish Foundation

Clockmaker makes major donation and launches holiday event in support of Make-A-Wish Foundation

লেখক : Hazel আপডেট:Jan 22,2025

Belka Games partners with Make-A-Wish, launching a special in-game event in Clockmaker. A dedicated donation website has also been created.

As the holiday season approaches, many game announcements focus on typical seasonal events. However, Belka Games' Clockmaker offers a unique opportunity for charitable giving. The company is donating $100,000 and collaborating with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, a charity granting wishes to seriously ill children.

This partnership includes a special in-game event. Players will accompany Mark on a journey to a land of unfulfilled wishes, encountering familiar characters who have lost faith in miracles. The goal is to thwart the Clockmaker's plans and restore the townspeople's belief in wishes.

yt A Meaningful Holiday Event

Belka Games has also established a website to collect donations for Make-A-Wish. While the event's theme might be considered somewhat sentimental, it offers a more meaningful alternative to typical holiday promotions and in-game rewards. It's a commendable opportunity to contribute to a good cause while enjoying the game.

After completing the Clockmaker event, players seeking additional puzzle games can explore our curated list of the best puzzle games available on iOS and Android.

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